Our Team has special Maritime education, professional skills and knowledge. We are always in motion to understand how the Industry works. The Education is essential thing. When it is joined with the flair and intuition to do the right things in the right moment - it is called experience.

A Long time ago some Brazilian friends sent a Christmas postcard to the Baltic Shipping Company: "In every new life a hope for a better future is born". That perfectly sums up why it is imperative to pay due attention to Maritime Education.

United Transport Company also co-operates with Admiral Makarov's State Maritime University, St. Petersburg, Russia. We prepared a course in Modern Liner Shipping for students of the Institute of Shipping Management, we also participate in a program of Commercial Shipping for extension courses and in the University's scientific research.

Scientia potentia est
Remember that knowledge is a ruler and wealth is its subject.
Imam Ali
Human knowledge and human power meet in one; for where the cause is not known the effect cannot be produced.
Francis Bacon
The sciences are small powers... For science is of that nature, as none can understand it to be, but such as in a good measure have attained it.
Thomas Hobbes